5 Data-Driven Email Campaign and Social Media Strategies

July 16, 2024

You might wonder what hidden strategies drive successful email campaigns and social media marketing. The answer is not magic but data-driven strategies. Creating content that resonates with your audience and increasing conversion rate is dependent on how well you use your marketing data. For instance data such as gender, age, location, and purchase history are essential. They can help both email marketers and social media specialists in many ways. These include personalization, segmentation. In addition, 83% of marketers use social media analytics  to determine conversion rates and content performance. 

Why Use Email Campaigns and Social Media Integrations?

It is important for business owners to stay ahead of the competition. They can do this by using several marketing tactics to engage their target audience. While email campaigns and social media marketing may seem different, integrating both marketing effort  has several benefits. Here are some reasons why you should consider using email campaigns and social media integrations:

It Increases Brand Awareness, Trust and Customer Loyalty

By integrating social media and email marketing, businesses can increase touchpoints and keep their brand top-of-mind. According to a study by Marketing Metrics, the probability of selling to an existing customer is 60-70%, while the probability of selling to a new prospect is only 5-20%. Therefore, it is crucial to create loyal customers who are more likely to make repeat purchases. In addition, social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have a vast user base. By integrating both marketing strategies, businesses can encourage people to sign up for their email list and build a loyal customer base. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, 69% of adults in the US use social media. This makes social media an excellent platform to engage with customers and prospects.

It Provides Opportunities to Cross-promote Content

 If you want to increase the chances of getting your posts to a wider reach, then you should consider combining both strategies. Customers who subscribed to your email lists will lose out on nothing if they do not visit their social media platforms for a while. This strategy allows businesses to cross-promote their content and reach a wider audience. This increases the chances of conversions.

It Extends Customer Relationship Beyond Social Media platforms

As technology and marketing evolves new trends are currently embedded into social media channels. Social media platforms can update their algorithms, making it challenging for businesses to reach their intended audience. By integrating social media marketing with email campaigns, businesses can diversify customer relationships. They can also avoid relying solely on social media platforms. This way, if a negative change occurs on a social media platform, businesses can use email marketing to continue the customer relationship.

There are many ways to integrate social media marketing and email marketing. These include:

  1. Take advantage of email finder tools such as snov.io, Viola Norbert, and LinkedIn email finder. These tools can help you find your followers’ emails on social media platforms. 
  2. Upload your email list to your social media channels. This creates an audience list that you can retarget and turn into social media followers.
  3. Ensure brand voice and tone consistency across both channels. 
  4. Repurpose branded hashtags, content, and QR codes in both email and social media platforms. 
  5. Embed an email signup form or link on your business social media page. It is also advantageous to prompt your customers to signup by attracting them with email promotions or offers.
  6. Embed social media icons and links at the bottom of every email and newsletter
  7. Include customer reviews and comments from social media in your email content. This tactic convinces your subscribers to take the desired action. 

5 Data-Driven Email Campaign and Social Media Strategies

Email campaigns and social media strategies are two powerful tools that can significantly impact your business' success. The key to making the most out of these tools is to utilize data to inform and optimize your marketing strategies. In this article, we'll explore five data-driven email campaigns and social media strategies that you can start implementing today.

1. Utilize CRM Software to Centralize Customer Data

What if you could find your marketing metrics in one place? Well, a CRM does just that. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software stores and centralizes your customer data. You can use it to develop, implement, and track data-based marketing campaigns. By using a CRM, you can make your audience data easily available to your marketing team(s). This is called omnichannel marketing strategy because you get to see your brand through the eyes of your audience and tailor marketing efforts to suit individual customer behavior/preferences. WhatsApp automation plays a crucial role in this by streamlining communication and enhancing customer engagement. A CRM also allows you to schedule posts, send personalized emails, and get data analysis of your marketing campaigns. Many email marketing platforms, such as Mailmodo, provide easy CRM integration. If you use social media monitoring tools such as Sprout Social or Buffer, you can integrate it with a CRM as well. This will allow you to gather all the marketing metrics from the analytical reporting tools built into the email and social media platforms. Some important metrics to track include:

You can use insights from your CRM to develop your content strategy. A content calendar can be used to plan the content for both email campaigns and social media posts. ICT Sviluppo, an Italian marketing and web agency, used this strategy to track ROI. Inbound marketing and sales strategist at ICT Sviluppo, Giovanni Fracasso, revealed that“Up until 2016, we used an array of point solutions, including MailChimp, Hootsuite, Social Report, WordPress and Google Analytics. It was difficult to connect up the data we were gathering, and we weren’t able to prove the ROI of our activities in a clear way.”

ICT Sviluppo needed to integrate its marketing strategies. The company used HubSpot CRM to gain a more comprehensive view of its customers and prospects. This way, the company created personalized marketing campaigns that converted leads. This led to an 80% increase in ROI as well as engagement levels.

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Source: Hubspot

2. Use Email Campaign Data to Inform Social Media Targeting

Did you know that analyzing your email campaign data can give you insights into the interests of your audience? You can look at metrics such as open and click-through rates to identify which segments of your audience take an interest in your content. Once you have this information, you can use it to make informed decisions about your social media targeting. Airbnb is a great example of a company that does this. 

The power of email campaigns is that they can be personalized and targeted to specific groups of customers. For example, Airbnb identified tourists through their email campaign data and app usage. 

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Source: Really Good Emails

They used this information to target those customers by using #Live there Twitter ads to promote travel destinations at the right time. The campaign was a huge success, garnering over 223 million impressions and 1 million engagements. 

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Source: Campaign US

3. Analyze Social Media Engagement to Inform Email Content

Social media metrics, such as engagement rate, likes, comments, and shares, can be used to analyze which content performs best. You can use this information to plan your email campaigns. A popular example of a company that uses this strategy is Glossier. Glossier is a beauty brand that has rapidly gained popularity since its launch in 2014. One of the secrets to its success is its ability to leverage social media to build its brand and create engaging content that resonates with its target audience.

Emil Weiss, the CEO of Glossier, has been vocal about the importance of social media. Social media is a key component of the brand. The marketing team regularly has conversations with the community on social media. Glossier has a significant presence on platforms like Instagram and TikTok, where the brand showcases its products and encourages user-generated content through hashtags like #glossierpink.

However, Glossier's social media strategy goes beyond just creating content. The brand uses social listening tools to monitor what customers are saying about their products and competitors. This information is used to inform their email marketing campaigns and product development.

One example of how Glossier has used social media engagement to inform its email marketing campaigns is the launch of its chemical exfoliant, The Solution, and the cult-favorite Boy Brow. In an interview with Commerce Next, Ali Weiss, Glossier's Director of Marketing, revealed that they had used feedback from community conversations and expectations from their followers to create products. Their marketing strategy included personalized email campaigns featuring customer reviews and before-and-after photos of the products.

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4. Use Data from Both Channels to Identify Trends and Patterns

You can identify trends and patterns in both marketing channels to boost your marketing goals. This works better than looking at data from only one channel. In addition, you can choose to change marketing strategies on a less profitable channel or commit more effort to the more profitable one. You should also consider the amount of ROI each channel can generate. For example, email generally has more conversion rates. It generates $36 for every dollar spent. However, you might notice higher reach and click-through rates on social media platforms when compared to that gotten from your email campaign. You might decide to identify problems with your email content and get customer feedback on it. One way to do this is using AMP emails. AMP emails embed forms, animated videos, carousels, carts, calendars, quizzes, surveys, and polls to increase engagement levels.

The feedback gotten from this interaction can be used to create data-driven content which forges memorable emotional connections that amplify results across a brand's website, email campaigns, and social channels. A study by Litmus, an email marketing and analytics company, found that AMP emails had an average click-through rate of 36.4%, while traditional HTML emails had a click-through rate of 13.7%. 

Stripo is an email service provider that uses social media marketing and email campaigns for its business strategy. The company wanted to leverage the high ROI potential of email in its customer booking campaign. They increased the conversion rate from 5% to 17% by using an AMP email that had calendar integrations in it. By identifying patterns in their marketing strategies, Stripo brought the same level of engagement on their social media pages into their email campaigns.

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5. Test and Optimize Campaigns Across Channels

You can identify what resonates with your audience by testing marketing strategies on both email and social media channels. A campaign set on autopilot for a long time may not be good if you are expecting continuous conversions. There is no limit to what you can test. For example, you might test headlines, CTA, branded hashtags, images, button placement, color, content types, and video in your email campaign. You can repurpose the winning result on your social media channels. This way, email campaigns can be used in place of paid advertising.

Overall, by using data from both email and social media campaigns, you can gain a more complete understanding of your audience and develop more effective marketing strategies that resonate with them across multiple channels 

Author's Bio

Emmanuella Otutu is a health and B2B content writer. She spins boring and complex content into easy-to-understand pieces. She has experience working in the health, Saas, luxury, eCommerce, and Ed tech industry. She excels in employing effective content strategies to express the distinct value of products across relevant channels.

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